Ledárenská, Brno - Holásky | 118 m²
11 890 000 CZKDetail of the propertyOpatovice | 3 450 m²
520 CZK per sqmDetail of the propertySlovanská, Slavkov u Brna | 62 m²
5 490 000 CZKDetail of the propertyBrno - Kníničky | 70 m²
1 750 000 CZKDetail of the propertyHodějice | 70 m²
16 000 CZK per monthDetail of the propertyMalínská, Brno - Tuřany | 75 m²
5 900 000 CZKDetail of the propertyKrušinova, Brno - Útěchov | 91 m²
28 000 CZK per monthDetail of the propertyKrušinova, Brno - Útěchov | 91 m²
28 000 CZK per monthDetail of the propertyDolní Morava - Horní Morava | 409 m²
bookedDetail of the propertyBrno - Bystrc | 329 m²
call to agentDetail of the property