Malátova, Brno - Královo Pole | 40 m²
bookedDetail of the propertyRosice | 228 m²
bookedDetail of the propertyVídeňská, Brno | 50 m²
bookedDetail of the propertyZelnice I, Slavkov u Brna | 85 m²
bookedDetail of the propertyTáborská, Brno - Židenice | 60 m²
bookedDetail of the propertyVelká Lhota | 77 m²
bookedDetail of the propertyBožetěchova, Brno - Královo Pole | 52 m²
bookedDetail of the propertyElišky Machové, Brno - Žabovřesky | 33 m²
bookedDetail of the propertyK Babě, Brno - Medlánky | 63 m²
bookedDetail of the propertyTrmačov, Tišnov | 90 m²
bookedDetail of the property