Prostřední Lipka 61, Králíky | 1 310 m²
call to agentDetail of the propertyDolní Morava | 119 m²
5 900 000 CZKDetail of the propertyLuční, Brno - Žabovřesky | 30 m²
bookedDetail of the propertyBrno - Kníničky | 70 m²
1 750 000 CZKDetail of the propertyBrno - Starý Lískovec | 210 m²
call real estate agencyDetail of the propertyOlomoucká, Brno - Černovice | 238 m²
45 000 CZK per monthDetail of the propertyKollárova, Brno - Královo Pole | 200 m²
call real estate agencyDetail of the propertyBrno - Brno-Komín | 1 350 m²
call real estate agencyDetail of the propertyOpatovice | 3 450 m²
520 CZK per sqmDetail of the propertyBrno - Brno-střed | 54 m²
bookedDetail of the property